The ever-increasing significace being placed on corporate social responsibility (CSR) by clients, employees and statkeholders, has meant CSR has now become an integral component for businesses. Amar has excellent relationships with many companies who partner with us to support local families and communitites with healthcare services and access to education. This is done through both short0term schemes, meeting urgent and immediate needs, alongside long-term development projects. These partnerships are also integral to Amar’s work.
Zain Iraq is AMAR’s leading corporate partner and has been supporting AMAR in the delivery of its projects in Iraq since 2007. Zain and AMAR are working together to address the desperate need…
For the last five years, AMAR and Shell Iraq have been working side by side to improve the lives of many thousands of men, women and children in the under-served communities in Basra Province.
Rumaila Operating Organization (ROO) has become an increasingly important supporter of AMAR’s work over the last three years. It is now one of our largest donors, helping AMAR to deliver projects in Basra Province.
AMAR and The Weir Group PLC have been working together as part of a three year programme to deliver vital healthcare, education and training projects in and around the communities where Weir operates.
The Vitol Foundation is supporting AMAR’s health work with displaced people in Northern Iraq through funding for two primary healthcare clinics. These clinics are providing life-saving healthcare services to thousands of people, including specialist maternal and child healthcare.
Crescent Petroleum is supporting AMAR in extending primary healthcare and education services to as many as 18,500 internally displaced people in northern Iraq. It funds a health centre that offers comprehensive healthcare services, including dental care as well as specialist maternal and child care. Crescent Petroleum also supports a vocational training centre that provides education, recreational activities, and employment opportunities for adults.
Dana Gas is funding a Primary Healthcare Centre and adult training centre in Khanke camp, Dohuk governorate in northern Iraq. They have committed funding for a three year period, securing life-saving health services for as many as 18,500 internally displaced people each month.
AMAR receives support from Olive Group in the form of logistics, security and accommodation during trips to Iraq. AMAR also receives regular support through the fundraising activities of Olive Spirit.
SKA supports AMAR by funding the transportation of thousands of donated medical journals from London to Iraq which enables local health professionals and students to access information to enhance their training and knowledge.
Central Park Hotel in Bayswater, London, has been providing free accommodation to AMAR’s colleagues travelling from abroad, enabling them to come to London for project meetings and important events despite a limited budget. This saves AMAR thousands of pounds every year.
GardaWorld has been supporting AMAR since 2012 and currently funds a Women Health Volunteer (WHV) programme in Baghdad. The WHVs conduct regular home visits to those in their local community, delivering health education, advice and basic care. AMAR also receives support from GardaWorld in the form of logistics, security and accommodation during trips to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. In the past GardaWorld has supported Ramadan box appeals, local fundraising in Dubai and a primary healthcare clinic in Basra that provided life-saving healthcare services to thousands of people, including specialist maternal and child healthcare.
SIM, and its associated companies, has been providing substantial support to AMAR since 2010 through annual sponsorship donations towards our Gala Dinner at The Savoy in London. The Gala Dinner is the biggest event in our annual calendar and raises significant funds which are used to support all aspects of our work, as well as helping to raise our profile. The event would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors like SIM.
Control Risks has been supporting AMAR for several years, raising money internally for AMAR’s Easter, Ramadan and Christmas Food Box Appeals, as well as AMAR’s Winter Warmer Blanket Appeal for families displaced by ISIS violence.
With its mission to help organise fundraising activities and to connect charities with individuals and corporate sponsors, Giving.Me has been working with AMAR to create an effective and comprehensive fundraising platform. Recently, Giving.Me assisted AMAR in the setup and processing of its ‘Escaping Darkness’ Appeal, and today, Giving.Me acts as AMAR’s official Donations Portal Provider.